Mediterranean in Sight

Lets fly to Turkey!

Dear Pilots!

TRvACC and VATRUS are inviting you to "Mediterranean in Sight" event on 17 June, Saturday, between 12-20z. Depart from east of the Ural Mountains, Yekaterinburg Airport (USSS) to holiday resort of Mediterranean, Antalya Airport (LTAI) with full ATC coverage. Departures from Yekaterinburg will be between 12-15z and arrivals to Antalya are planned for 16:30-20z.

Suggested route:  MIKUS T764 GITEK T691 UROBO G128 ST G900 ODIRA UW96 SIN UT61 BAG UW77 HISAR

See you in skies!

Date and time

17.06.2023 12:00 - 20:00 UTC
