S2 Practical exam


Dear friends!

11.02.2023 14-16UTC, Artem Kuzmenko, a student of the Astana FIR, will try his hand at obtaining the STU2 rating at the Astana Tower position.

Support Artem with traffic and wish him good luck!

We are waiting for everyone at Astana airport.

Date and time

11.02.2023 14:00 - 16:00 UTC

ATC positions

UACC_TWR 118.700

Artem Kuzmenko (1619505)

UACC_R_APP 120.700

Alexandr Sokolov (1638955)

UACC_APP 124.600


UACN_CTR 132.800

Anatoly Zhilkin (1133216)