S2 Practical exam


Dear friends!

20.11.2022 13-15UTC, Alexandr Sokolov, a student of the Astana FIR, will try his hand at obtaining the STU2 rating at the Astana Tower position (UACC_TWR).

Support Alexandr with traffic and wish him good luck!

We are waiting for everyone at Astana airport.

Date and time

20.11.2022 13:00 - 15:00 UTC

ATC positions

UACC_TWR 118.700

Alexandr Sokolov (1638955)

UACC_R_APP 120.700


UACC_APP 124.600

Igor Shitov (1579077)

UACN_CTR 132.800

Kirill Rudavin (942748)