Tashkent International Airport



Tashkent International Airport, formerly known as Tashkent-South Airport, and today bearing the name of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, is the largest commercial airport in Uzbekistan. In comparison with the airports of neighboring countries, it has the most favorable geographical position, as it is located at the crossroads of air routes between Europe, America, Southeast Asia and the CIS countries. Airport "Tashkent" is connected by direct flights with a large number of cities in the world, has a huge capacity (over a thousand passengers per hour), and also has an ICAO CAT-II category and the ability to receive all types of aircraft of various tonnage. The airport complex is equipped with modern equipment and is one of the most comfortable in the region, which is due to the rational use of airport resources.

The complex of buildings includes a separate terminal for transit passengers, as well as a terminal for local lines, which allows you to quickly and conveniently get to the oldest cities of the republic, popular among lovers of architectural monuments. For the terminal of local lines, a well-thought-out scheme of work was developed that allows you to get to any regional center of Uzbekistan with minimal delay.

It is impossible not to note the layout of the complex, which includes all the latest architectural innovations, which, in conjunction with modern equipment, makes the capital's airport the most popular not only in Uzbekistan, but also in a number of neighboring countries. The plans for the development of the airport imply the transformation of the Tashkent airport into the largest international hub, designed to serve intercontinental cargo and passenger routes.

Tashkent FIR

UTTT/TAS — Tashkent - Islam Karimov (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Airport coordinates — N041° 15.4 E069° 16.9
Elevation — 437 м
Transition Level — FL80
Transition Altitude — 6000 ft

UTTT_DEL - 129.400 Tashkent Delivery
UTTT_GND - 121.700 Tashkent Ground
UTTT_TWR - 120.400 Tashkent Tower
UTTT_R_APP - 122.900 Tashkent Radar
UTTT_APP - 119.400 Tashkent Approach
UTTR_CTR - 134.600 Tashkent Control

Squawks - 4400-4577

Recommended stands positions:


Evgeny Vygornitsky *

Central Asia
APT coordinates
41.25790, 69.28120 
1417 ft / ≈432 m
Runways information
RWY MAG BRG Dimensions(m) Landing system
08L/26R 076° 4000x60 ILS CAT II (110.500)
256° ILS CAT II (108.500)
08R/26L 076° 3905x45 ILS CAT II (111.700)
256° n/a
ATC positions
Position Designator Callsign Frequency
FSS  * RU-CEN_FSS Asia Center 132.850
Control UTTR_CTR Tashkent-Control 134.600
Approach UTTT_APP Tashkent-Approach 119.400
Radar UTTT_R_APP Tashkent-Radar 122.900
Tower UTTT_TWR Tashkent-Tower 120.400
Ground UTTT_GND Tashkent-Ground 121.700
Delivery UTTT_DEL Tashkent-Delivery 129.400
EuroScope FS 9 FSX MSFS 2020 P3Dv2 P3Dv3 P3Dv4 P3Dv5 xPlane 9 xPlane 10 xPlane 11
Title Type Tags Addition time
Tashkent Airport, by Dmitriy Stepanov, ver. 1.3.1  
scenery MSFS 2020  07.02.2023
Tashkent Airport, by Dmitriy Stepanov
Tashkent airport for MSFS2020
scenery MSFS 2020  23.12.2022
UTTT MSFS2020 v1.0 by SSD
scenery xPlane 9  10.12.2019
(no description)
scenery FSX P3Dv2 P3Dv3 P3Dv4  10.12.2019
(no description)
UTTT-V2 for FS9
scenery FS 9  16.04.2016
(no description)