S3 CPT | Samara-Approach | Arseniy Artyushin

You have to study a great deal to know a little. Montesquieu

Hey boys and girls!

This Thursday, 6th of June, from 17:00 to 19:00 UTC a practical exam will take place for Arseniy Artyushin at Samara-Approach ATC position (UWWW_APP).

You are welcome to fly to or from Samara at the said time frame and help Arseniy to get his S3 rating.

Samara Control will be also online to handle all the traffic within Samara FIR properly.

Please bear in mind that during the exam a special regime or emergency situation can be initiated by Instructors to check the student's abilities to handle them promtly and correctly. We are sorry for any inconviniences with your flight that can be caused by that.

See you soon!

Date and time

06.06.2024 17:00 - 19:00 UTC
