S2 practical exam

URSS_TWR - Evgeny Listratov

Dear friends!

22.08.2022 16-18 UTC, Evgeny Listratov, a student of the Rostov FIR, will try his hand at obtaining the STU2 rating at the Sochi Tower position (URSS_TWR).

Charts and scenery - https://vatrus.info/airport/URSS .

Support Zhenya with traffic and wish him good luck!

We are waiting for everyone at Sochi airport.

Date and time

22.08.2022 16:00 - 18:00 UTC

ATC positions

URRV_CTR 135.600


URSS_APP 124.600


URSS_TWR 121.200

Evgeny Listratov (1541550)